The brilliant, creative authors and illustrators Naomi has the honor of representing.
Benjamin Giroux - "Snakes are the cats of the reptile world."
Dee Hahn - "Lover of the wild yonder. Devourer of pumpkin pies."
DeShanna and Trinity Neal
Elle Cruz - "Living vicariously and recklessly through my characters, one page at a time."
Elle E. Ire - "Deadly Women, Dangerous Romance"
Gabi Burton - "Probably writing something violent, eating ice cream, or watching Netflix."
Gabriela Romero Lacruz - "I write stories set in places that remind me of home, so in my mind I'm never too far from the beaches and mountains of Venezuela."
H. M. Long - "Come for the Vikings, stay for the pirates."
James McGowan - "Naomi didn't think my quote on her website would be about cheese snacks. She fails to realize just how much I love cheese snacks."
Jen Malia - "Writing for kids with differently-wired brains."
Jenny Knutsson - "I find my best ideas with my running shoes on and the trail beneath my feet."
Kiana Krystle - "Constantly living in a fairytale."
Leslie Wibberley - "I write stories that bring a touch of magic to the everyday world, because don't we all need a little more magic in our lives?"
Lisa Matlin - "I make small talk with strangers so I can pat their dogs."
Mahtab Narsimhan - "Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” - George Addair
Melanie Wick Singer - "Writing children's books that contain lots of heart and the occasional rock out dance party." Co-represented with the amazing Ramona Pina at BookEnds
Melissa Caruso - "Writing murder, magic, and mayhem."
Michelle Hazen - "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." - Anais Nin
Nadia Afifi - "First of her name. Breaker of New Year's resolutions, petter of dogs and master of jigsaw puzzles. Also writes science fiction that explores big ideas in complex futures."
Namita Moolani Mehra - "If my stories make you hungry, then I'm deliciously full!"
Naomi Hughes - "Ownvoices mental health rep, but add aliens."
Nathan Tavares - "Probably wondering, "should I have more coffee?" and/or "Can I pet your dog?"
Norene Paulson - "I'm living proof success has no "Best if used by" date."
Priya Kavina - "Dream dream those electric dreams for one day they'll need you to power the world."
Prashanth Srivatsa - "Writing speculative fiction in Indian settings."
Rachel Fikes - “Quod me nutrit, me destruit." (Latin for: That which nourishes me also destroys me. The source's identity disappeared with the Roman Empire. But obviously, they were a novelist... or perhaps a cheesemonger.)
Roz Maclean - "Dreaming through illustration and story."
Sade Smith - "Ride the wave of imagination!"

S. Mir - "My specialties include cooking up disasters in the kitchen and on the page, obsessively planning my next trip, and brown baddies."
Samantha Cleaver & Reuben Nantogmah - "Writing stories inspired by and for our kids, to delight and inspire others—with bofrot in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. "
Sue Lynn Tan - "I write fantasy inspired by the myths and legends of my childhood."
Suzy Vadori - "There's nothing I love more than getting the books exploding in my mind onto the page."
Tlotlo Tsamaase - "Dream-catching stories since '89. Lover of tea, wine and foreign films."
Tracy Marchini
Trinity Nguyen - "Writing about queer girls with big smiles and big hearts."
Tzeyi Koay - "Ever regret not saying something witty? Became an author to make up for it."